Monday, July 11, 2011

20 Enjoyable Miles

Neat loaf of bread we saw while walking (you can see us peeking in the background)

Another cool loaf of bread

Section of Portobello Market
With Olly's new health insurance, there are very attractive incentives offered if members reach a certain amount of points each year. One way to earn points is to walk 10K or 12.5K steps in a day so with his new pedometer we set off this weekend to see new parts of the city & just how many steps we could take. Saturday we walked to & from Portobello Market in Notting Hill (which was ok but not our favorite as Borough Market still holds that title) and Sunday we moseyed around a few parks in our area. Total we managed to walk roughly 44,000 of Olly's sized steps this weekend which we estimate to be around 20 miles...not a bad way at all to enjoy the gorgeous weather we had, see some new areas, and get some exercise!

1 comment:

  1. What a cool incentive. Blog looks great, keep it up!
