Monday, June 27, 2011

Various Architecture (1)

View of our building from the park...thinking Victorian but maybe Edwardian (we're where the big bay window is)
St. Mary's Church in Ealing (we love the tower)
A church in Ealing, a bit gothic perhaps
One thing I have always enjoyed about England (Europe really) is the architecture. Whether walking through big cities, churches, or villages a person can see many different types of architecture and find at least some of them appealing. To some the big stone edifices seen in the UK may seem cold or dreary, but my mind instantly conjures up images of historical importance. In our first few weeks, we have seen many examples of architecture that we find impressive and would therefore like to share some with you.
Our new bank branch, even the banks have character
Amazing how even the lampposts are intricately constructed

St Paul's Cathedral - Renaissance with Gothic style
Dome of St. Paul's Cathedral
The London Eye, amazing architectural feat measuring 443 feet

Nice random arch we walked by

Handsome male architecture with the Victorian Gothic Parliament in the background

An impressive sand structure
Goes with the elephant and monkeys
Who said sand creations couldn't be impressive?

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