Sunday, September 4, 2011

During Camping Trip - Hike Around Wastwater Lake

 Our campsite near Wasdale Head really was amidst beautiful surroundings. The first day there we decided to do the 5 hour hike around Wastwater Lake (the deepest lake in England). The hike took us through so much different scenery, path types, and levels of difficulty that we felt it was a truly well-rounded hike offering great degrees of beauty & challenge. Towards the end of the hike, I remember remarking that had we seen a bit of desert we would have covered pretty much all types of scenery. An excellent outdoor spot for lovers of unspoiled natural beauty and adorable sheep :-)

Early part of trail, nice and easy

Some of the many sheep we came across while hiking

Just such a nice area to experience

Now the trail gets a bit less obvious but still pretty

What happened to the trail? That is the trail and boy was hiking across that scree scary (for me anyways...Olly loved it)

Out of the scary stuff and back to more relaxed hiking

One of the many little country roads we drove on (in the dark) which now looks completely different

It is a body of water right, how could he not get in?

The coolest & best placed farm ever (in our opinion)

This was the nearby 'village' to our campsite where we enjoyed our Sunday night meal

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