Sunday, December 4, 2011

Halloween at Vinopolis 2011

Our friends Bender and Katherine were in town for Halloween this year so the 6 of us (Cyndi & Berney also) attended a party at Vinopolis which is a really cool venue in Central London for those who enjoy good wine. The venue is neat on a normal day but they did a fantastic job of decorating for the occasion (wish we had more pics of the decorations but we forgot our camera). Either way we had fun dressing up with friends, doing the tasting tours, eating Toad in the Hole for the first time, and getting our dance on with friends. Also, Olly and I were selected for first place in the Costume Contest. As a result, we were gifted with a nice bottle of Prosecco that the 6 of us proceeded to enjoy :-) Apparently the one pic Vinopolis chose to use in reference to the event is the one of us with the lady who gave us the prize...see here

Us with Katherine and Bender, aren't we just too scary :-)

At least one pic of the interior decorations as the venue
Us with Berney and his scythe in the background and Cyndi behind him in la-la land

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