Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Queen's Favorite Home - Windsor Castle

During one of our recent sight-seeing outings, we were able to visit the famed Windsor Castle. Luckily we were able to go inside the State Apartments since the queen was not in residence that weekend. The whole place was impressive but a few rooms in particular were unlike anything we'd seen before. One of the first rooms you walk into is huge with really high ceilings and houses a large number of swords, knives, weapons spanning many many hundreds of years as well as suits of armor from many different parts in history. Many of these were jewel-encrusted and just looked royal. Another cool room had Coats of Arms spanning back to about the 12th century with each monarch's present...was pretty awesome. The grounds were amazing and so was Queen Mary's Doll House. When we decided to visit St. George's Chapel, the Changing of the Guard took place which was definitely worth seeing. All in all, very happy we had the chance to see this  magnificent castle.

One of the many towers present at the castle.

The queen's favorite garden to sit while she is at Windsor.

Yet another section of the grand castle.

View from outside Queen Mary's Doll House.

Changing of the Guard complete with bagpipe music.

St. George's Chapel, where a good number of past monarchs are interred.

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