Friday, August 5, 2011

Stonehenge - 4,500+ Year Old World Heritage Site

We've all seen pictures or documentaries about these Neolithic circles of stones and surrounding barrows. However, knowing what you're in for still doesn't quite prepare a person (especially one fascinated by ancient history, archaeology, and astronomy) to see the mysterious and impressive site of Stonehenge. To this day archaeologists disagree on the reason Stonehenge was constructed...ideas ranging from a monument for the dead, a place of worship, astronomically aligned for an ancient calendar, or most recently the idea that it was a place of healing that the ill or injured would travel to to get well. Just standing and imagining these different possibilities as well as pondering the feat accomplished by bringing the inner blue stones (which weighed tons each) from over 200 miles away made this World Heritage Site well worth the trip for us.

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